#77: What You Need to Know About Stomach Acid
Do you have bloating, gas, burping, or any other digestive issues? Hungry/not hungry? Tired? Maybe even just brittle nails?
Or maybe you reach for the antacid after a meal, or maybe have trouble sleeping at night because of gastric burning?
Today we talk about stomach acid (HCl) and the many ways it could be affecting you - there’s a surprising twist to this story.

#76: A Deep Dive Into SIBO with Dr. Holly Lucille
Are you frustrated with feeling bloated, and just can’t seem to get rid of it? Maybe all those diets and supplements you’ve tried just end up making you feel worse?
Or do you hear the terms SIBO and IBS and wonder what on earth they mean?

#75: How Alcohol May Be Affecting Your Health
Do you drink alcohol every day? Or find yourself drinking way too many when you go out with friends on the weekend?
Today we talk about alcohol and the many ways it could be affecting you — perhaps without you even realising.

#74: Level Up Your Immunity
Are you outsourcing your health to cold and flu tablets?
Or crossing your fingers and hoping for the best?
It’s winter in the Southern Hemisphere, but wherever you are in the world, it’s a great idea to boost your immunity to stay as healthy as possible.

#73: Is Your Identity Holding You Back?
Have you ever thought about the identity you may have built around your health and how it could be holding you back?

#72: Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill with Udo Erasmus
Are you confused about which fats are healthy and which aren’t?
Do you hear the terms Omega 3 and Omega 6 and wonder what they mean for you?
Today we chat with Udo Erasmus, well-known worldwide as a speaker, expert and author of “Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill”.

#71: 6 Common Gut Healing Mistakes
Do any of these sound familiar?
Either diarrhoea or nothing at all for days.
You’ve got stomach cramps, and you’re feeling bloated and uncomfortable.
You’ve been trying those supplements you read about but nothing’s changed.
At. all.

#70: Overcome Emotional Eating with Toni Marinucci
Do you find yourself browsing the fridge or pantry due to sheer boredom? Perhaps you mindlessly eat entire chocolate bars, packets of chips or even healthy snacks.
Maybe you even use food as a crutch when you’re not feeling your best?
If so, you’re not alone.

#69: 5 Key Steps to Beat Bloating
Having trouble fitting into your favourite jeans? Look 6 months pregnant and all you ate for lunch was a salad?
Not to mention the pain and discomfort in your belly after every meal.

#68: Boost Your Brain with Dr. Paul Kaloostian
In this episode of the podcast, I’m chatting with Dr Paul Kaloostian, a Board-Certified Neurosurgeon, all about the things we can do to keep your brain functioning in tip-top shape!

#67: Don't Rush Your Healing
Are you on a healing journey, whether you’re dealing with gut issues, an autoimmune disease, chronic fatigue or something else?
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything under the sun, and you’re tired and frustrated that you’re still not feeling better?
If any of this resonates with you, this episode is for you. It’s a pep talk to guide you on your healing journey.

#66: What's Stopping You from Losing Weight? With Lucia Hawley
Weight loss and dieting can feel like a never-ending vicious cycle. You're either restricting and controlling, or you're watching the number of the scales creep up. But it doesn't have to be that way! You can ditch the diets AND lose weight (and enjoy your life while you're at it).

#65: Why Your Liver Matters
The liver plays a huge role in many of the functions of a healthy body, which is why you should consider it while supporting your health.

#64: Is Intermittent Fasting Good For You?
Intermittent fasting is increasing in popularity right now because it’s simple, can be effective for weight loss and has many other health benefits.
So many of us rely on sugar and carbohydrates to get us through our day, which can lead to low energy and energy crashes. Following intermittent fasting principles in the right way can help your body to learn a new way of fuelling itself and avoid those waves of exhaustion.

#63: The Emotional Root Cause with Jake Currie
Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, all the nutrient dense food, meditation and hydration just doesn’t cut the mustard when it comes to overcoming health challenges. If that’s the case, there may be an emotional root cause to your physical symptoms.

#62: Bringing Mindfulness Into Every Day with Katie Rose
In this conversation, Katie Rose and I chat about mindfulness, journaling and bringing presence into every day -- even the most challenging ones.

#61: How to Detox Naturally and Easily Every Day
The world of wellness is very confusing. We’re being sold expensive (and sometimes harsh) juice cleanses and supplements that are supposed to detox us. But the truth is, our bodies have their own in-built detoxification systems.

#60: Eat Well & Live a Life You Love with Kat Paraskevopoulos
Sometimes we get so tangled up in controlling our diet and exercise routines, we lose sight of the importance of feeling happy and balanced and enjoying every day.

#59: Beat Stress with Breathwork with Josh Trent
Breathwork is trending - but what’s all the fuss about? Is it just a fad or are there real benefits for our health?

#58: 2020 Reflection & Digital Detox
In this episode, I reflect on my 2020, and my plans for a digital detox over the holidays.