#76: A Deep Dive Into SIBO with Dr. Holly Lucille

Are you frustrated with feeling bloated, and just can’t seem to get rid of it? Maybe all those diets and supplements you’ve tried just end up making you feel worse?

Or do you hear the terms SIBO and IBS and wonder what on earth they mean?

Today I chat with Dr. Holly Lucille. She is a Doctor of Natural Medicine, a TV and radio host, and listed by Time Magazine as one of the Top 100 Most Influential People.

We chat all about:

  • SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacteria Overgrowth) and IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)

  • Probiotics and SIBO, and which strains are most effective for healing

  • The reasons you can might develop SIBO

  • How to tell if you have SIBO

  • How to prevent SIBO happening in the first place

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Links from today’s episode

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#77: What You Need to Know About Stomach Acid


#75: How Alcohol May Be Affecting Your Health