#68: Boost Your Brain with Dr. Paul Kaloostian

You know those mornings when you’re running out the door and you can’t remember where you put your keys? 

You finally get to work and then there’s the new password you created yesterday, and you just can’t quite remember it? 

And what was the name of that new person who just started in the office this week? 

Today I’m chatting with Dr. Paul Kaloostian, a Board-Certified Neurosurgeon, all about the things we can do to keep your brain functioning in tip-top shape! 

Dr. Paul is an expert on the brain and has seen thousands of brains close up during surgery, so he knows what he’s talking about!   

Have a listen to what Dr. Paul has to say about:

  • Why sleep is so important and how a lack of sleep impacts the brain

  • Nutrition for brain health

  • How alcohol consumption affects the brain 

  • The role of exercise for supporting a healthy brain

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Links from today’s episode

Dr. Paul Kaloostian’s Website

Click here to book your Free Strategy Session with Fran.

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram @frandargaville or email hello@frandargaville.com.


#69: 5 Key Steps to Beat Bloating


#67: Don't Rush Your Healing