#77: What You Need to Know About Stomach Acid

Maybe you’re thinking you don’t need to listen to this podcast but think again!

This is a super helpful episode for almost everyone.

Do you have bloating, gas, burping, or any other digestive issues? Hungry/ not hungry? Tired? Maybe even just brittle nails?

Or maybe you reach for the antacid after a meal, or maybe have trouble sleeping at night because of gastric burning?

Today we talk about stomach acid (HCl) and the many ways it could be affecting you- there’s a surprising twist to this story.

We talk about:

  • How most people actually don’t have enough stomach acid.

  • Why stomach acid is so important.

  • The signs of low stomach acid.

  • Why you may have developed low stomach acid in the first place.

  • How getting to the root cause of low stomach acid can improve so many health concerns.

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Links from today’s episode

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Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#78: When Your Lab Results Keep Coming Back Normal


#76: A Deep Dive Into SIBO with Dr. Holly Lucille