#66: What's Stopping You from Losing Weight? With Lucia Hawley

Weight loss and dieting can feel like a never-ending vicious cycle. You're either restricting and controlling, or you're watching the number on the scales creep up. But it doesn't have to be that way! You can ditch the diets AND lose weight (and enjoy your life while you're at it).

Today's guest Lucia Hawley is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who specialises in Womens’ Health. With a masters in social work and clinical mental health, she teaches people how to stop dieting, lose weight for life and master their minds, instead of counting one more point, calorie or macro.

We chat all about:

  • What’s holding people back from losing weight

  • How it's possible to ditch diets and still lose weight

  • The role of the brain in dieting

  • How to feel more liberated around food

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Links from today’s episode

Learn more from Lucia: Website | Facebook

Click here to book your Free Strategy Session with Fran.

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram @frandargaville or email hello@frandargaville.com.


#67: Don't Rush Your Healing


#65: Why Your Liver Matters