#69: 5 Key Steps to Beat Bloating

Having trouble fitting into your favourite jeans? Look 6 months pregnant and all you ate for lunch was a salad? 

Not to mention the pain and discomfort in your belly after every meal.

It can all be so frustrating, and it’s hard to enjoy life when you’ve got all this going on. 

In today’s episode, we’re covering the 5 key steps to beat the bloat, to help you get back into your favourite clothes, lose those belly pains and enjoy eating again.

We chat all about:

  • The importance of chewing your food thoroughly (Hint: your stomach doesn’t have teeth!)

  • How exercise helps to beat the bloat

  • The role of the gut and brain connection

  • How to relax while you eat to improve your digestion

  • Getting to the root cause of your bloating

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Links from today’s episode

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Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#70: Overcome Emotional Eating with Toni Marinucci


#68: Boost Your Brain with Dr. Paul Kaloostian