#118: How to Heal Your Gut
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#118: How to Heal Your Gut

Gut healing isn’t just for people with digestive symptoms.

If you have non-specific symptoms like low energy or brain fog or difficulty losing weight, or hormonal imbalances or hormone-related conditions, like painful or heavy periods, irregular cycles, PCOS or endometriosis, or uncomfortable symptoms of perimenopause or menopause, then I highly recommend looking into supporting your gut.

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#109: Is This Why You’re Sick and Tired?
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#109: Is This Why You’re Sick and Tired?

Our body’s were designed for a much simpler life. And the way we’re living today - with huge amounts of pressure, deadlines, family responsibilities and more, can take a huge toll on our health.

I want to share my take on this with you, and help guide you towards a life that feels aligned so that you can enjoy your life more, and improve your health while you’re at it.

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#102: Parasites with Danielle Hively
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#102: Parasites with Danielle Hively

Are you frustrated by insomnia, sugar cravings, teeth grinding and jaw pain, chronic skin issues, infertility or mood swings? These are just some of the symptoms that can be caused by parasites, and can be one of the root causes holding us back from healing.

Today I talk with Danielle Hively about parasites and drainage.

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#101: Gut Microbiome Testing
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#101: Gut Microbiome Testing

Are you sick and tired of not having an answer to your fatigue, bloating, heartburn and reflux, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhoea, or other gut-related symptoms like acne or eczema. Gut testing may be the answer you are looking for.

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