#115: Top Nutrient Dense Superfoods to Add Into Your Diet

In the health world there’s such a massive focus on supplements. I love supplements and always use them in my work with clients, BUT, when it comes to getting the key vitamins and minerals we need from our diet, we can quite easily get most if not all of what we need to be healthy from the food we eat.

But just eating a generally healthy diet isn’t enough. You need to also focus specifically on adding in specific nutrient dense foods.

In this episode, I’m sharing the top nine nutrient dense superfoods to add into your diet and how they benefit your health.

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Links from today’s episode

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Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#116: Why Am I So Tired? (Top Root Causes of Fatigue)


#114: How To Sleep Better