#103: Heartburn, Reflux & LPR: Root Cause & Natural Solutions

Are you feeling the painful effects of heartburn or reflux, or even something called ‘silent reflux’, causing milder but frustrating symptoms of pain, sore throat, burning, or postnasal drip. Maybe you’ve even been taking medication to stop the burning in your stomach?

Whether you have reflux or silent reflux, it’s really important to identify what’s going on, and get to the root cause of the issue, because that constant spillage of stomach contents and acid into your oesophagus and beyond can cause serious damage. 

In most cases, the key root cause is a lack of stomach acid. I’ve mentioned it many times on the podcast before, but STOMACH ACID IS SO IMPORTANT!

Come and listen in while I chat all about:

  • Heartburn, Reflux, Indigestion, GERD/GORD & LPR - what’s the difference and what’s at the root cause

  • Why we need stomach acid 

  • What happens when your stomach acid is low

  • The causes of low stomach acid (and therefore the painful reflux)

  • My functional approach to overcoming reflux

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Links from today’s episode

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Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#104: Fasting, Coffee, Calories & The Female Metabolism


#102: Parasites with Danielle Hively