#112: Lessons From Tracking My Blood Sugar With a CGM

Blood sugar regulation is a huge missing puzzle piece for so many people on their healing journeys.

If you often feel exhausted or have big dips in energy throughout the day, get hangry, experience anxiety or have trouble sleeping – these are all signs your blood sugar could be out of whack.

Recently, I experimented with using a CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor) to tracks my blood sugar levels in real time

The reason I wanted to try this out for myself is to see how the food I eat affects my blood sugar levels.

Today, I’m sharing the biggest lessons I learned from my CGM experiment, including:

  • The importance of protein and fat in your diet

  • Carbohydrates and blood sugar

  • How to eat to maintain steady blood sugar levels

  • The benefits of wearing a CGM

  • The effects of erratic blood sugar

  • The CGM I used and how it works

As I mention in the episode, I’m going to drop a few images here so you can wrap your head around what I mention in the episode.

This is the Blood Sugar Rollercoaster.

When we eat sugar and excess carbs, we experience a spike in blood sugar and feel energised for a short time.

Then our blood sugar drops, and the body tries to bring it up. To do this, it pumps out adrenaline, a “fight or flight” hormone that tells your liver to make more glucose (blood sugar).

This can leave us feeling wired, anxious and jittery.

To bring our blood sugar back up, we often reach for more sugar and refined carbohydrates, and the vicious cycle continues.

Here’s a screenshot from Freestyle Libre’s app. This shows the blood sugar spike in afternoon after I ate some Boulder Canyon Coconut Oil Chips (no crappy ingredients, but mostly carbohydrates).

I also had a glass of wine with dinner (in the name of research 😉), and had big blood sugar crashes during the night, which is unusual for me!

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Links from today’s episode

Learn more about my brand new Gut Testing Package.

Click here to book your Free Strategy Session with Fran.

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#113: Will Antibiotics Destroy Your Gut?


#111: My Top Gut-Friendly Travel Tips