#104: Fasting, Coffee, Calories & The Female Metabolism

Are you exhausted, anxious or sleeping badly? Or maybe you have low energy, irritability, gut issues, period problems or poor thyroid function? 

I speak with women daily who are doing things like fasting and HIIT training, which may actually be impacting their metabolism and body function on a whole.

So, if you’ve ever skipped a meal, skipped breakfast and maybe had a coffee or 2 instead or restricted your calorie intake, this episode is for you.

Here’s what I cover:

  • The “male bias” and how it impacts science and what we know about health and nutrition

  • Intermittent fasting - is it good for the female metabolism?

  • What you need to know about coffee - is it bad for you? Should you give it up?

  • The problem with calorie restriction

  • The number one skill you need to learn on your journey to help you kick all your health goals

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Links from today’s episode

Learn more about High Vibe & Gut Healthy.

Click here to book your Free Strategy Session with Fran.

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#105: How to Feel Ok When the World Feels F*d


#103: Heartburn, Reflux & LPR: Root Cause & Natural Solutions