#57: Taking a Break From Alcohol with Teri Patterson
Alcohol is a huge part of many of our lives. And for that very reason, it can be difficult to determine whether it’s a problem for us or not.

#56: How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays - Part 2
In part two of this series, I'm sharing the key action steps to help you thrive during the holidays (WITHOUT missing out).

#55: How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays - Part 1
This is a two-part series designed to help you navigate the holiday season. This can be a challenging time health-wise, with a busy social calendar, lots of not-so-healthy food and alcohol on tap. Although of course, in 2020, this may look different for many of us, depending on where in the world you live.

#54: The Wisdom of Ayurveda with Katie Rose
While I love nerding out on the latest science of health and functional lab testing, we have so much to learn from the way health and wellness was approached traditionally. In this episode, I interview Katie Rose, the Founder of Bhakti Rose, who makes ancient yogic and ayurvedic wisdom accessible for busy modern-day women.

#53: Probiotics, Prebiotics and Postbiotics
All this talk about about probiotics, prebiotics and gut health may have become a little confusing. And have you heard of postbiotics?!
Mind officially boggled.

#52: Nutrient Dense Meal Prep with Lucia Mazzella
You may have heard the term “nutrient dense.” This includes adding highly nutritious foods like ferments, organ meats and seaweed to your diet. But how the heck are you supposed to do that without spending hours in the kitchen? And how can you make it taste good?!

#51: Supplements: Do I Need Them? Quality + Recommendations
Two of the top questions I get asked all the time are: “Do I need to take supplements” and “What supplements should I take?”

#50: Environmental Toxins with Amie Skilton - Part 2: EMFs
We’re spending more and more time on devices. We have wi-fi in our homes, we’re connected to our phones, and many of us spend 10+ hours a day on a laptop. What’s the impact of that?

#49: Environmental Toxins with Amie Skilton - Part 1: Mould
We normally think of mould as an annoyance - that stuff that just won’t budge between the bathroom tiles, or that appears on the piece of bread you were about to bite into. But did you know it’s harmful for our health?

#48: Six Steps to Sustainable Weight Loss
Are you struggling to lose weight? Perhaps you’ve tried different diets or workouts, and things work for a while, but the weight loss never seems to last and the kilograms just keep creeping back on.

#47: Are You Playing it Safe?
What would you do if you weren’t so afraid of the unknown? If you could never fail?

#46: No-Nonsense Wellness with Dr Lindsey Elmore
Do you find yourself getting confused about what’s healthy and what’s not? Dr. Lindsey Elmore, a pharmacist, speaker, author, and world-renowned wellness expert, who translates complicated science into understandable stories. In this episode, we debunk myths and confusion about health.

#45: SIBO: What Is It, Symptoms and How To Overcome It
Do you suffer from bloating, diarrhoea or constipation? While these symptoms can be related to a number of different issues, SIBO or Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth is a common cause.

#44: Screw The Hustle, Live in Flow with Micaela Hayes
Are you rushing around, juggling work, social commitments, mum life or study? Do you feel as though there’s no time or space to just BE?

#43: How to Stop Falling Off The Wagon
One of the things I often hear from people when they first come to me is that they keep falling off the wagon.
Can you relate?
One minute you’re eating whole foods, taking all your supplements, getting your daily movement in…
And the next you’re staying up late, eating foods you KNOW don’t work for you, and you’ve completely forgotten that you were meant to be taking supplements all.

#42: What the Hell Do I Eat?!
The world of nutrition can be bloody confusing.
Paleo, vegan, intermittent fasting, coconut oil, mushrooms...
Have you found yourself going down rabbit holes learning about these things, and just wind up feeling confused and overwhelmed?

#41: Himalayan Breathwork with Chelsea Mazzini
Breathwork is trending at the moment, and for good reason. It’s a quick and powerful way to boost your mood and energy levels.

#40: Why You Need a Morning Routine
Want to know my number one secret to being consistent with your health habits, and feeling healthy and energised every day?

#39: Get Rid of Skin Issues for Good (Acne, Eczema and More)
We often think of skin issues as being external only, but common skin conditions like acne, eczema and dry skin are almost always signs of a deeper issue.

#38: Chiropractic with Dr Sam Garner
Health is holistic. In order to be truly healthy, it’s so important to consider the pillars of health - including nutrition, sleep, movement, and gut health just to name a few.
One powerful way to support our health holistically is with chiropractic.