#57: Taking a Break From Alcohol with Teri Patterson

Alcohol is a huge part of many of our lives. And for that very reason, it can be difficult to determine whether it’s a problem for us or not. 

Alcohol consumption exists on a spectrum between not drinking anything at all, to excess alcohol consumption on a daily basis. 

We often think that only the latter is problematic, but anywhere on that spectrum can be a problem if it is impacting a person’s health, relationships, or other aspects of life.

In this episode, I interview Teri Patterson, a Sober Human, Functional Nutritionist and This Naked Mind Certified Coach. In her work with This Naked Mind, Teri has coached thousands of individuals to discover how great they can feel by taking a break from alcohol. Her passion is moving the conversation from 'addiction' to 'wellness' so that each of us can embrace true wellness and live our most authentic life.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • How to determine if it’s time to take a break from alcohol

  • How to go alcohol-free

  • What life as a sober human is like

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Links from today’s episode

Learn more from Teri: Website | Instagram

Click here to book your Free Strategy Session with Fran.

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram @frandargaville or email hello@frandargaville.com.


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