#44: Screw The Hustle, Live in Flow with Micaela Hayes

Are you rushing around, juggling work, social commitments, mum life or study? Do you feel as though there’s no time or space to just BE?

This week’s episode is with Micaela Hayes, a Yoga Teacher, emerging Social Work practitioner, Mama-To-Be & Women's Wellness Facilitator. She’s also a living example of presence and living a mindful life.

Here’s what we cover in the episode:

  • How to overcome the pitfalls of being a Type A, over-committed perfectionist

  • How to life a more mindful and present life

  • Alignment - what it is and how you can learn to live with more alignment in your own life

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Links from today’s episode

Micaela’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zenaste.yoga

Micaela’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zenasteyoga

Book your Gut Love Protocol: www.frandargaville.com/gutlove

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram @frandargaville or email hello@frandargaville.com.


#45: SIBO: What Is It, Symptoms and How To Overcome It


#43: How to Stop Falling Off The Wagon