#42: What the Hell Do I Eat?!

The world of nutrition can be bloody confusing.

Paleo, vegan, intermittent fasting, coconut oil, mushrooms... 

Have you found yourself going down rabbit holes learning about these things, and just wind up feeling confused and overwhelmed?

That’s why I like to keep things simple.

There is no one diet that works for everyone, EXCEPT THIS ONE.

And that is a Bioindividual, Nutrient Dense Whole Foods Diet.

The reason it works is because it’s BS-free and completely personalised.

In this episode, I break this way of eating down into digestible action steps, so you can adopt this way of eating and get real results for your health.

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Links from today’s episode

Book your Optimal Wellness Program: frandargaville.com/optimalwellness

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram @frandargaville or email hello@frandargaville.com.


#43: How to Stop Falling Off The Wagon


#41: Himalayan Breathwork with Chelsea Mazzini