#85: The Pill

Are you wondering how the birth control pill may be affecting you? 

“The pill”, aka the combined oral contraceptive pill, is the number one form of contraception used in Australia, Two-thirds of Australian women use some form of birth control, and of those women using contraception, 34% take the pill.

Now, the thing is - a lot of women I speak to have been on the pill for years or even decades.

In almost all cases, they’ve experienced some sort of hormonal symptoms, like acne, painful periods or irregular cycles, gone to a GP with their concerns, and been prescribed the pill to “balance” their hormones.

Today we chat all about this form of contraceptive and “hormone balancer”, how it may be affecting you and what to do if you choose to stop taking it. 

Here’s what we cover in the episode:

  • How the pill works

  • Reasons you may want to reconsider taking the pill

  • What you need to know if you decide to come off the pill

  • Post Birth Control Syndrome and how to get your body back on track after taking the pill.

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Links from today’s episode

Learn more and enrol in High Vibe & Gut Healthy: https://frandargaville.com/highvibe

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Click here to book your Free Strategy Session with Fran.

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#86: Getting to the Root Cause of Hormone Imbalances


#84: How the Menstrual Cycle Works