#85: The Pill
Podcast Fran Podcast Fran

#85: The Pill

Are you wondering how the birth control pill may be affecting you? Today we chat all about this form of contraceptive and “hormone balancer”, how it may be affecting you and what to do if you choose to stop taking it.

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#84: How the Menstrual Cycle Works
Podcast Fran Podcast Fran

#84: How the Menstrual Cycle Works

Do you find yourself dreading that time of the month, every month? Period pain, PMS, mood swings, energy crashes, weird bowel movements, missing periods or fertility issues… these are all hormone-related symptoms that can make your monthly cycle feel like more of a burden than a blessing. Or maybe you’re on hormonal birth control and have no idea what’s going on with your cycle. Either way, this episode is for you.

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