#140: The Gut, Inflammation & Metabolism with Dr Pedre

Today we’re chatting with Dr Pedre, who is a board-certified Internist, Medical Director of Pedre Integrative Health, and the author of his brand new book, the Gut Smart Protocol

After years of living with irritable bowel syndrome, Dr Pedre became an expert on how to heal the body from the inside out, beginning with the health of the gut microbiome.

In this episode, we cover:

  • His experience meeting the Hadza tribe, one of the last hunter-gatherer tribes remaining, and what he learned about gut health from that experience

  • How gut dysfunction and “leaky” gut causes inflammation

  • The link between our metabolism and gut health

  • His top tips for improving gut health

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Links from today’s episode

Follow Dr Pedre on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drpedre

Get the Gut Smart Protocol: https://gutsmartprotocol.com/

Submit a question: frandargaville.com/askfran 

Learn more about our High Vibe & Gut Healthy programs: https://frandargaville.com/highvibe

Learn more about our fertility & pregnancy program, High Vibe & Healthy Mama: https://frandargaville.com/mama

Click here to book a free call with Fran: https://frandargaville.com/call

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#141: Oestrogen Dominance - Is this Hormonal Imbalance Causing your PMS or Period Pain?


#139: How to Overcome Anxiety with Nutrition, Lifestyle & Supplements