#89: The Adrenal-Hormone Connection

Life can be so stressful these days, and this affects each and every one of us in some way.

The adrenals are part of our body’s stress response system, and they are a super important factor in supporting your gut health and overall health.

This week is Part 2 of an interview I did with Lucia Mazzella for her Moon Menu program. If you haven’t checked out Part 1 yet, head back to last week’s episode all about liver health and your hormones.

In this episode we chat about:

  • How stress can affect your adrenals and hormones

  • How to support your adrenals in a stressful world

  • The best foods and supplements for your adrenal health

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Links from today’s episode

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Lucia’s Moon Menu Program

Click here to book your Free Strategy Session with Fran.

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#90: Identify & Overcome Food Sensitivities


#88: The Liver-Hormone Connection