#195: Hormone Testing Options & Which Is Right for You
Did you know that imbalances in sex hormones, like oestrogen and progesterone, are the main cause for symptoms such as PMS, heavy periods, acne, and menopausal issues like hot flashes and fatigue? If you're dealing with these symptoms, this episode dives into the importance of identifying hormonal imbalances and explores three types of testing options to help you choose the best approach for your health needs.

#194: 11 Things I Wish All Women Knew About Their Hormones
In this week's episode, we're delving into the top 11 things I wish every woman knew about her hormones. Whether you're grappling with hormonal symptoms or simply want to understand your body better, this episode offers invaluable insights.

#193: Is Your Gut Messing With Your Hormones?
Are you struggling with hormonal symptoms like PMS, menstrual cramps, or hormonal acne? In this week's episode, we will explore how your gut health may actually be contributing to a hormonal imbalance. Our bodies are one big interconnected system and understanding this interconnection could be a fundamental step in uncovering the root cause of your symptoms.

#192: Do You Need to Buy Organic Fruit & Veggies?
Is buying organic really that important? The answer to this question isn't as straightforward as it seems. That's why this week, I'll delve into the pros and cons of opting for organic produce, helping you make an informed choice about what's best for your health.

#191: Low Progesterone - A Common Cause of Insomnia, Anxiety, Spotting & Fertility Challenges
This week, we're exploring progesterone imbalance, one of the most common hormonal imbalances I encounter in practice. So, if you’re dealing with symptoms such as insomnia, anxiety, spotting, or fertility issues, then this episode could offer valuable insight into uncovering their root cause.

#190: Histamine Intolerance - A Common Cause of Migraines, Allergies, Eczema & PMS
Are you experiencing persistent migraines, allergies, eczema or hormonal issues like PMS, despite making nutrition and lifestyle changes? A histamine intolerance may be the underlying culprit.

#189: Gut Psychologist on the Gut-Brain Axis & Visceral Hypersensitivity (Dr. Ali Navidi)
There is growing research surrounding the gut-brain connection and how it impacts our overall health and well-being. Today we are joined by Dr Ali Navidi, a psychologist specialising in gastrointestinal care and the CEO and Co-founder of GI Psychology.

#188: When Conventional Gut Health Advice Doesn’t Work (Fibre/Plant Foods)
Have you tried all the conventional gut healing methods but are still struggling with digestive issues? It’s commonly thought that healing the gut is just about increasing fibre and diversifying plant foods, but this week’s episode dives into why this might not be solving your gut issues—in fact, it could be making them worse.

#187: Cortisol Testing and How to Rebalance Your Cortisol Levels
If you’re feeling exhausted, wired, anxious, foggy in the head or constantly stressed, your cortisol may be out of balance.
Today we are going to be chatting about how to test your cortisol levels, and if you discover that they’re out of balance, how to rebalance them with lifestyle habits and supplementation.

#186: 35 Lessons About Health and Healing - Reflections on My 35th Birthday
I turned 35 yesterday and I was sitting in a cafe with a coffee overlooking the beach here in Freshwater in Sydney. One of my friends sent me some questions to reflect on for my birthday so I sat down with my journal (for the first time in AGES) and started looking back on some of the things I’ve learned in the past year.

#185: Illness as a Teacher with Christina Tidwell
Have you been on your own personal healing journey for some time? Then this episode is for you!
Today, we’re chatting with a good friend of mine, Christina Tidwell, about the journey of illness and healing, how to get through it and what we can actually learn from these experiences.

#184: Gut Health Q&A: Food Sensitivities, Elimination Diets, Leaky Gut & More
Recently, I reached out to you all over on my instagram asking for your nutrition and gut-related questions. I received so many awesome questions so for this week’s episode I’m going to do a Q&A to answer all the questions you’ve been sending my way!

#183: PCOS, Metabolism, Metformin & Ozempic with Solaine Douglas
This week we are joined by women's health nutritionist, Solaine Douglas to chat about all things PCOS and supporting a healthy metabolism. We will also be touching on the controversial medications; Metformin and Ozempic.

Introducing The Collective, my brand new gut healing membership! 🎉
My brand new gut healing membership is finally here! Today I’m sharing a little bit about The Collective and what’s included.
My aim is to help you heal your gut in a really doable, sustainable way, so you can stop stressing about your symptoms and get back to living a life you love.

#182: Which Gut Healing Diet is Best? (Gluten Free, Low FODMAP, Low Histamine & More)
Are you overwhelmed by all the different gut-healing diets out there? Then this episode has you covered!
This week I’m going to break down the popular gut-healing diets such as gluten-free and dairy-free, Low FODMAP, the SIBO biphasic diet, and the low histamine diet. We'll explore the benefits of each approach and discuss how to determine which diet is best for you.

#181: Constipation: Root Causes, Quick Fixes & Long Term Solutions
Toilet talk can be a taboo topic but it's something we all do! That's why I'm passionate about removing the stigma surrounding constipation to help you overcome digestive discomfort and get your gut moving.

#180: Gut Health, Gut Microbiome Testing & Anxiety
Recently, I had the pleasure of joining Steph Pase on her podcast ‘Stephing Up’ to talk about her personal gut healing journey as one of my clients. So, If you’re curious about what a real gut healing journey entails, take a listen.

#179: My Top Gut Healing Supplements
Do you ever feel overwhelmed while browsing the supplement aisle of the supermarket or chemist, wondering, "What am I actually supposed to take?” Well, this episode has you covered.

#178: 8 Key Signs of Imbalanced Cortisol
This week we are unraveling the myths surrounding the often misunderstood “stress hormone”, cortisol. While social media often portrays cortisol as the cause of all your health concerns, what's overlooked is that low cortisol levels may actually be the underlying issue.

#177: Could H. Pylori be Causing Your Gut Issues?
In this week's episode, we will be discussing H. pylori, one of the most common bacterial infections worldwide.