#78: When Your Lab Results Keep Coming Back Normal
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#78: When Your Lab Results Keep Coming Back Normal

Do you feel like you’ve been tested for everything under the sun, looking for the reason you just aren’t feeling well?

Do you feel like you’ve been to so many specialists and spent a small fortune (not to mention all the hours spent driving to and from appointments and sitting in waiting rooms), but none of them seem to have any answers?

Let’s talk about what to do when your lab tests all come back normal and you’re still feeling like 💩.

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#77: What You Need to Know About Stomach Acid
Podcast Fran Podcast Fran

#77: What You Need to Know About Stomach Acid

Do you have bloating, gas, burping, or any other digestive issues? Hungry/not hungry? Tired? Maybe even just brittle nails?

Or maybe you reach for the antacid after a meal, or maybe have trouble sleeping at night because of gastric burning?

Today we talk about stomach acid (HCl) and the many ways it could be affecting you - there’s a surprising twist to this story.

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#74: Level Up Your Immunity
Podcast Fran Podcast Fran

#74: Level Up Your Immunity

Are you outsourcing your health to cold and flu tablets?

Or crossing your fingers and hoping for the best?

It’s winter in the Southern Hemisphere, but wherever you are in the world, it’s a great idea to boost your immunity to stay as healthy as possible.

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