TMP #33: Workout With Your Cycle with Jenni Hulburt

It’s so common for women to push hard and try and operate like men, but the truth is, we’re different!

When it comes to exercise, working out hard each day and not listening to our bodies can lead to burnout. I’ve been there many times!

In this episode, I spoke with Jenni Hulburt, founder of WILD Wellness, is a holistic fitness specialist who helps women live and sweat in sync with nature. She has a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Exercise Science and Sport Psychology.

Jenni’s area of expertise is how to exercise in sync with your cycle. Learning to work with the menstrual cycle is a great way to start to get in tune with your body, and optimise your results, without burning out.

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Links from today’s episode

Jenni’s Instagram:

Jenni’s Website:

Jenni’s Podcast:

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TMP #32: Optimal Wellness & Stress Management with Susie Garden