TMP #32: Optimal Wellness & Stress Management with Susie Garden

The western model of health care we’re so used to focuses much more on “sick care” than wellness and optimal health. But we get to flip that paradigm and take responsibility for our health.

In this episode, I spoke with Naturopath and Yoga & Meditation Teacher Susie Garden on all things health, stress and anxiety.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Why investing in and taking responsibility for your health is so important and why we should focus on wellness and optimal health rather than sick care 

  • How to navigate the confusing world of wellness - What diet is right for me? Do I need to take all these supplements? Who can I trust? 

  • What is the difference between stress and anxiety? Are we stuck with anxiety symptoms for life? What is the best way to overcome stress and anxiety

PS. I have exciting news! The High Vibe & Healthy Challenge kicks off on 13 April 2020. This is a free, 5-day challenge to support you to nourish your body and mind during this time. Click here to join.

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Links from today’s episode

Susie’s Website:

Susie’s Podcast:

Save your spot in the High Vibe & Healthy Challenge:

Book your free Functional Nutrition Strategy Session:

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram @frandargaville or email


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TMP #31: Eat More, Work Out Less and Still Get Results with Meghan Sandve