#130: Alcohol - Health Effects, Taking a Break & Navigating the Holidays

Ah, alcohol. This is a biggie. Especially at this time of year.

It may be time to check in on how your alcohol intake is working for you.

In this episode, I’m sharing:

  • The top impacts of alcohol on our physical and emotional wellbeing 

  • How much alcohol is ok? How much is too much?

  • How to navigate taking a break from drinking or drinking less, including how to stick to your guns with friends and family members 

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Links from today’s episode

Learn more about High Vibe & Healthy Mama: https://frandargaville.com/mama

Learn more about how I can help with your health: https://frandargaville.com/highvibe

Click here to book a free call with Fran: https://frandargaville.com/call

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#131: Plant Foods vs Animal Foods for Gut Health


#129: How To Stay Feeling Your Best in the Silly Season