#210: Healthy(ish) Drinking: Tips to Enjoy Alcohol Without Wrecking Your Body
With the holiday season in full swing it's no secret that alcohol can be a big part of the celebrations. The good news is, there's a way to enjoy it without wreaking havoc on your gut.
#162: 4 Key Things to Avoid to Balance Your Gut Microbiome
The gut microbiome is composed of trillions of cells that greatly influence critical aspects of health including, immunity, energy, hormonal balance and mental well-being.
Improving your gut health can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. In this week's episode, I’m sharing the 4 key things to avoid to maintain a balanced gut microbiome.
#130: Alcohol - Health Effects, Taking a Break & Navigating the Holidays
Ah, alcohol. This is a biggie. Especially at this time of year.
It may be time to check in on how your alcohol intake is working for you.
#129: How To Stay Feeling Your Best in the Silly Season
The holiday season can be a tricky one. Our routines go out the window, we’re confronted with seemingly endless opportunities to eat and drink all the things, not to mention pre-Christmas deadlines.
#75: How Alcohol May Be Affecting Your Health
Do you drink alcohol every day? Or find yourself drinking way too many when you go out with friends on the weekend?
Today we talk about alcohol and the many ways it could be affecting you — perhaps without you even realising.
#57: Taking a Break From Alcohol with Teri Patterson
Alcohol is a huge part of many of our lives. And for that very reason, it can be difficult to determine whether it’s a problem for us or not.