#92: Acne and the Skin Microbiome with Yug Varma

Acne and other skin issues, like eczema, can be painful and soul-destroying. Sometimes, no matter what you do, the pain and inflammation just will not go away.  

We’ve been lead to believe over the years that skin issues are purely external and happen in isolation. For example, if you have acne, all you can do is cleanse your face properly, apply topical treatment or take potentially harmful oral medications.

But if you’ve been around here for a while, I’m guessing you understand that this isn’t the case.

Acne and other skin issues are a symptom of a deeper issue. Now that could be an imbalance of the skin microbiome, as we chat about in this episode, or it could be due to poor gut health, food sensitivities or hormonal imbalances, to name a few.

I do have another episode on skin health, so If you want to learn about my take on getting to the root cause of acne, eczema and other skin issues, head to episode 39 of the podcast. 

So, in this episode, I’m speaking with Yug Varma, PhD, who is the Cofounder & CEO of Phyla. Yug has 10+ years of microbiome research experience including an extensive background in bio-organic chemistry, microbiology, and synthetic biology. 

We talk about:

  • The causes of acne

  • The skin microbiome and the importance of keeping it in balance

  • The similarity between the gut and skin microbiome

  • How to restore the balance without harsh products

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Links from today’s episode

Click here for Yug’s website

Click here to book your Free Strategy Session with Fran.

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#93: What You Need to Know About Protein


#91: 9 Key Steps to Survive & Thrive on a Healing Protocol