#121: Nutrition and Health for Entrepreneurs and Busy Humans

I have something a little bit different for you today.

We’re going to be chatting all about nutrition for business owners.

This is an interview I did recently with Bec Buchanan on her podcast, Straight Up Small Business, produced by Bambi Media.

Now, while the episode is based on nutrition and health for business owners, if you are a busy human living a busy life this podcast is going to be super helpful for you too.

We chat all about:

  • The main health concerns I see in my practice

  • How to know if your gut health is not optimal

  • The basic things you can start to do to protect your health now

  • What you can do if you are feeling burned out and experiencing health issues

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Links from today’s episode

Learn more about how I can help with your health.

Click here to book a call with Fran.

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.


#122: How Knowing your Values Helps You Get What You Want


#120: How to Test Your Hormones