TMP #22: My Journey with Chronic Fatigue

This week’s episode is a little bit different - I’m sharing an interview I did with my friend Christina Tidwell on The Live Well Podcast. Christina’s podcast is an awesome resource for people with autoimmune disease. 

In this episode, I spoke all about my journey with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and the steps I took to heal myself.

Here’s what we chat about:

  • My personal story with developing chronic fatigue (twice!)

  • The challenges in my healing journey (including the specialist who recommended I drink an extra cup of coffee to beat my fatigue)

  • The key steps that helped me regain my health and energy

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Links from today’s episode

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#23: How to Recover from Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue


TMP #21: Menstrual Cycle Awareness & Ayurveda with Jema Lee