#214: Pep Talk: Want to Feel Bloody Good? Nail the Basics
Are you tired of feeling sluggish, bloated or just a bit off? Then this is the pep talk you need to start feeling your best. This week, I’m going to explain why you should ditch the trendy health fads and “miracle” fixes, and instead get back to the basics.
It’s time to simplify and focus on the habits that truly make a difference when it comes to your health. So grab a cuppa, relax, and let’s dive into the core principles that will leave you feeling bloody good.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
Why sticking to the basics is the key to lasting progress
6 core principles for feeling your best (and how to make them work for you)
Where to start and how to build habits that stick
Why consistency beats perfection, every time
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Links from today’s episode
Join the 14 Day Gut Detox: https://frandargaville.com/detox
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Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.