How to stay healthy this holiday season
If you’ve been eating right, moving your body and getting mindful all year long, the holidays can be a bit of a scary time with added pressure to drink plenty of alcohol, eat three types of dessert in one sitting and skip your morning workout.
After years of trying to figure this healthy eating in the holidays thing out myself, I’ve come up with a few key tips for you to make it through this holiday season happier and healthier than ever! Read on…
Just a small part of last year's Chrissy spread in our household. Delish and healthy too!
Make your own
If you’re heading to a party or Christmas lunch where you know the food won’t meet your health or dietary requirements, bring your own food to share with everyone! If you bring a big salad and a beautiful healthy dessert and fill up on that, nobody will even notice you steer clear of the Christmas pud!
Fuel yourself with a healthy breakfast
Eating a breakfast full of nourishing fats and proteins will keep you satiated and your energy stable, so you’re less likely to go sugar crazy in a moment of weakness.
Know your non-negotiables
If you have celiac disease or another serious health condition, stick to your guns and use the above tips to get yourself through the silly season. Turkey, salad and homemade raw Chrissy cake doesn’t sound like deprivation to me!
Balance is key
Contrary to popular belief, being healthy isn’t all about deprivation. If you make a conscious choice to eat dessert or something you wouldn’t normally eat, enjoy it every mouthful and move on!
Last but not least, be forgiving!
If you slip up, it’s not the end of the world. Don’t punish yourself. Pick yourself back up, acknowledge the choices you’ve made and how they made you feel and decide to make better choices at the next opportunity. Relax, it’s the holidays!
Do you have any great tips for getting through the holiday season? Hop on over to the comments and share! Have an awesome Christmas!