#211: Your Best Year Yet: Reflect, Dream & Plan for 2025
Do you kick off the new year feeling excited to make changes, only to get overwhelmed by big goals and lose momentum by February? If that sounds familiar, this episode has you covered!
In this episode I’m diving into how to approach the new year with intention, clarity, and excitement—so you can stay inspired and empowered to make 2025 YOUR year, on YOUR terms.
Journal Prompts
First up we’re going to start with a 2024 reflection.
What went well in 2024?
What did you love about 2024?
What are you grateful for? Even if you had a bit of a crappy year, there are always things to celebrate and be grateful for even if they’re small!
Did you have any goals around your health? How did you go with those? What worked really well for you health-wise? What didn’t?
What are three things you’re proud of from 2024?
What lessons did you learn? For example, if you felt burned out, maybe you’ve learned that you need to prioritise taking care of your health?
What areas of my life need more attention or care in 2025?
The next step is going to be dreaming really big and figuring out your vision of what you really want your life to look like.
First up…when do you feel most alive and excited? When do you feel most like yourself? When do you feel the most calm and content?
Now I want you to fast forward to 5 year’s time. If you had zero limits, what would your life look like? How would you spend your days? What would your ideal morning routine look like? What would you be doing for work? Would it be different to what you’re doing now? How would you spend your evenings?
And now imagine it’s December 2025. What are you celebrating? How does your health look and feel? What does your life look like?
From there, pick 1-3 goals you would like to achieve. For each goal, make it very specific, actionable and achievable. And don’t be afraid to start small. You might like to get really into strength training, but start with getting yourself to the gym for a short workout twice a week. Keep it simple and you can always build on your habits over time.
Plan out exactly how you will implement these goals. Add them to your calendar and make it happen!
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Links from today’s episode
Join the 14 Day Gut Detox: https://frandargaville.com/detox
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Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram on @frandargaville or by email on hello@frandargaville.com.