#54: The Wisdom of Ayurveda with Katie Rose
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#54: The Wisdom of Ayurveda with Katie Rose

While I love nerding out on the latest science of health and functional lab testing, we have so much to learn from the way health and wellness was approached traditionally. In this episode, I interview Katie Rose, the Founder of Bhakti Rose, who makes ancient yogic and ayurvedic wisdom accessible for busy modern-day women.

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TMP #21: Menstrual Cycle Awareness & Ayurveda with Jema Lee
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TMP #21: Menstrual Cycle Awareness & Ayurveda with Jema Lee

This week’s episode is with Jema Lee, a women’s cycle health educator on a mission to help women confidently reconnect with their bodies and reclaim their wellbeing.

In this episode, we chat all about menstrual cycles, how to track your cycle, and how to work WITH your cycle, not against it, so that life just feels a whole lot more easy and in flow. We also chat about Ayurveda and the doshas, which is fascinating!

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