TMP #24: Heart of Performance with Mitchell Woods

Mitchell was the first guest I ever interviewed on the podcast! I got such great feedback from his first episode that I decided to bring him on again, this time to chat about something a little different. 

Mitchell is a Performance Coach with a background in sports science and strength and conditioning, but he’s now working with a new technique called Heart of Performance. One week before we recorded this episode, I went and had a heart math session with Mitchell and then I spent the week practicing the technique before we discussed it in the interview.

Here’s what we cover in the episode:

  • What heart math is and how it can help with performance, chronic health conditions and more

  • The difference between heart-focused meditation compared with other styles of meditation

  • Plus, Mitchell guides us through the “heart centred breathing” technique to have you feeling happy and relaxed in 5 minutes flat

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Links from today’s episode

Mitch’s Website:

Book your free Functional Nutrition Strategy Session:

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram @frandargaville or email


TMP #25: Fitness, Meal Prep and Mindset with Kat Paraskevopoulos


#23: How to Recover from Burnout and Adrenal Fatigue