TMP #28: Energy Work and Giving Zero F*cks with Bridget Raateland

If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you realise that nutrition is pretty important. And it is! 

But for some of us, when we’re struggling with chronic health conditions, it can be helpful to explore some other modalities that are outside the box.

When I had chronic fatigue, I reached a point where I was doing all the right things - eating really well, doing gentle movement and sleeping well… but I started to realise that I had this script playing out in my head.

I was telling myself I was tired 24/7. Every time I would make plans, or think about doing exercise, or have a crappy nights sleep - the first thought I had was how tired I am, or how exhausted I was going to feel. 

It’s really hard to get to 100% with our health when we have these limiting thoughts and beliefs playing out. 

There are lots of things that can support us to move beyond these limiting beliefs, such as… visualisation, meditation and energy work.

In this episode, I chat with Bridget Raateland, a Reiki Practitioner, Intuitive, certified Holistic health coach and wellness retreat and workshop facilitator. Bridget helps create insight and clarity around what's blocking you from achieving optimal physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. 

Here’s what we cover in the episode:

  • What energy healing and reiki is 

  • How energy work can support you to move forward when you’re feeling stuck

  • How to overcome judgement from family and friends when you’re trying new and different things

If you’re super skeptical about reiki and energy healing, don’t worry - I’m the world’s biggest skeptic too! Listen to this episode with an open mind and who knows what you might get out of the episode!

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Links from today’s episode

Bridget’s Instagram:

Book your free Functional Nutrition Strategy Session:

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram @frandargaville or email


TMP #29: Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life with Sivan Sharvit


TMP #27: Understanding Human Design with Cailee Anello