So, you’re ready to heal your gut!

I know fixing your gut issues can feel confusing and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. I’m here to guide you step-by-step through the process inside:

The program that combines personalised recommendations with group support to help keep you on track and motivated as you overcome your gut symptoms.

Lead by me, Fran! I’m an Aussie Nutritionist who’s helped hundreds of clients from all over the world with their gut health over the past 8 years.

As featured in

Do any of these sound like you?

⋒ Constant bloating

You get so bloated you feel 6 months pregnant and soo uncomfortable

⋒ Constipation, loose stools or both

You constantly feel blocked up and heavy, or you never know when I’ll have to run to the bathroom next. Or you alternate between both.

⋒ Painful heartburn and reflux

That’s just keeps coming back — nothing seems to help!

⋒ Food sensitivities

It seems like you react to everything you eat - is it gluten, dairy, histamines, FODMAPs or something else entirely?!

⋒ Feeling super uncomfortable in your clothes

You avoid wearing anything tight fitting, and wish you could throw on your favourite jeans again

⋒ Confused and overwhelmed

You feel overwhelmed with the huge amount of conflicting health advice out there - what’s right for ME?

If any of this is resonating, you’re in the right place.

Say goodbye to the quick fixes. I’m here to empower you to take charge of your health, so you can finally overcome your symptoms, for good!


It’s hard to love life when you you don’t feel healthy.

I know because I’ve been there too.

My own health journey started over a decade ago. I spent years piecing together advice from different podcasts, blogs and practitioners, and even studied nutrition, just to figure out how to heal my gut and overcome chronic fatigue, bloating and food sensitivities.

I’ve been in your shoes and I know just how frustrating and overwhelming it can be navigating all the different diets, supplements and conflicting advice.

I’m here to help you simplify things — AND get results.

This is my life’s mission and I get excited every single day to support and guide you on your healing journey.

This program will provide you with a step-by-step plan to help you take charge of your health, so you can feel empowered and healthy, and get back to enjoying your life.

I’m so excited to have you here!

 What’s included in your program?


Signature 5+1 Gut Healing Method Training & Resources

Including everything you need to know to heal your gut. Delivered in bite-sized video trainings, including helpful resources like Meal Plans, Recipes, Foods to Eat & Avoid Guide and more.

Live Group Coaching and Q&A Sessions every 2 weeks

To guide you step-by-step through the gut healing process and get all your questions answered. You will be able to submit questions ahead of time, and if you can’t make a call live, no worries! All sessions will be recorded so you can catch up at your own pace.

1 x 1:1 Functional Nutrition Consultation with Fran (via online video call or phone)

One 45-minute 1:1 consultation, where we'll create and fine-tune your personalised nutrition, supplement and lifestyle protocol to help you get results.

Private Facebook Community

So you can get all your questions answered and stay motivated in between calls. Feel fully supported as you navigate the gut healing process.

Personalised Protocols (Nutrition, Lifestyle & Supplements)

Your protocol is your daily action plan to help you get results -- whether you're overcoming bloating, burning, belly pain or something else. This is completely personalised to your needs. No cookie cutter approaches here!

Option to Order the GI-MAP Gut Microbiome Test, SIBO Breath Testing or other Functional Lab Tests

The GI-MAP is my favourite tool for getting to the root cause of gut symptoms, so you can finally overcome them for good. This is recommended, but not required. This is at an additional cost ($440 AUD for those within Australia), paid directly to the lab. If you have a question about which test is right for you, reach out to me on

Access to Practitioner-Grade Supplements for your Protocol

As part of your protocol, I’ll recommend high-quality supplements to help you reach your health goals. Supplements are not required, but they can help improve (and speed up) your results. As a client, you’ll be able to order from my online dispensary (with a 10% client discount), with your practitioner grade supplements delivered to your door.

Bonus: Hormone Balancing Masterclass!

Learn about the most common hormone imbalances, and how to overcome them using functional lab testing, food, supplements and lifestyle habits. For anyone dealing with period pain, PMS (including low moods and anxiety) and perimenopause symptoms, you’re going to love this!

What will you learn?

Exactly what to eat for your unique body

and forever solve the problem of “What the heck do I eat?!” Learn what to eat, how much to eat and the nutrient dense foods to focus on for optimal gut health (includes meal plans and recipes).


How to banish bloating, burning and belly pain

by soothing and nourishing your gut lining, improving your gut motility and digestive function, and increasing the balance of bacteria in your gut, for good.


Exactly which supplements to take

to help speed up your results. Supplements are a game changer when it comes to overcoming digestive symptoms. Learn which supplements are right for you, so you can create your own protocol to help you overcome your digestive woes. You’ll receive your very own personalised supplement protocol as part of the program.


The key lifestyle factors that support a happy gut

so you can finally stop shopping around for the next diet or supplement to help you gut symptoms and overcome them for good by taking a holistic approach.


But above all else…

The High Vibe & Gut Healthy Mastermind will give you the knowledge, tools and resources, plus the support and accountability, you need to feel empowered — so you can stop worrying about food and your gut and get back to living a life you love.

  What people are saying…

“My mindset has definitely changed to be more positive and hopeful as I trusted the process and it worked.”

Before I started working with Fran, I was having regular bouts of gut pain and reflux, and had heaps of food sensitivities, constipation and acne. I didn't have my period for over eight months, and had pretty low energy levels most the time. I’d already had years of doctor's appointments, and numerous tests and procedures. I'd been told by my gastroenterologist and a dietitian that I had IBS, and just given band aid fixes to fix to cover up my symptoms. I was feeling disheartened and upset.

The variety of foods that I can have now is insane. I didn't think I would ever be able to eat garlic or onion or certain fruits or vegetables, and now I can eat most of them. I also got my period back. 

My mindset has definitely changed to be more positive and hopeful as I trusted the process and it worked. I can eat so many more foods than I've eaten in over 10 years. And this has helped me to have less anxiety attending events. It's been amazing.

Carly S.

I lost the bloated feeling, I went a notch down on my belt and have stayed there.

I used to get bloated when I ate out and I now know which foods disagree with my gut. This is a game changer for me and now I get to choose the food I eat knowing how it will make me feel.

I feel I have gained clarity and I’m SOOOO much more in tune in which foods effect my gut and moods. Its a great feeling knowing I’m I control and finding the root cause to my moods/energy/digestion.

Lisa N.

“ I love that the course has a holistic view of the healing journey and incorporates food, lifestyle and supplement recommendations.”

Gut health is often a confusing and misunderstood topic but Fran breaks it down clearly in her High Vibe & Gut Healthy program. I now have a much better understanding of how the gut works and what factors impact it. I love that the course has a holistic view of the healing journey and incorporates food, lifestyle and supplement recommendations. Fran delivers the information in an implementable and simple way to ensure that changes are sustainable and so you don’t get overwhelmed. I would highly recommend this program and think that everyone has a lot to gain from completing it.

Eliza P.

 The Details

Program dates:

We start Monday 27 November 2023

Doors close:

Thursday 23 November @ 11.59pm AEST

$945 AUD, or 4 x monthly payments of $245

Here’s what you’ll learn in the trainings

In your course portal, you’ll have access to on-demand training to you can learn everything you need to know to successfully heal your gut (minus added fluff — no wasted time here).

  • In this training, we’ll get to know each other, and focus on getting you set up for success in the program. We’ll also get started with some lifestyle habits to help you shift your gut symptoms ASAP.

  • Find the gut healing diet that’s right for you. Understand the different healing diets, how to use elimination diets to identify food sensitivities, and how to meal prep with ease.

  • Learn about the power of the gut-brain connection and the vagus nerve, including simple tools to help shift you into “rest and digest”, to ease stress and anxiety and improve digestion.

  • We’ll explore the key aspects of your digestive system to help you get lasting results — gut motility, stomach acid, digestive enzymes and more.

  • We’ll look at common pathogens, including Candida, parasites, H. pylori and SIBO, go behind the curtain to understand GI-MAP and SIBO testing, and how to address these gut infections with nutrition and supplements.

  • This is a powerful step in overcoming all symptoms, from gut symptoms, to food sensitivities, and even more generalised issues like fatigue, brain fog and skin issues.

  • Learn about the power of prebiotics and probiotics to support your gut bacteria, and how you can move towards a diet that’s optimised for your gut health.

  • Learn about the key nutrition and lifestyle habits to set you up for optimal gut health for life. We’ll also cover how to reintroduce foods for those on an elimination diet.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Click each question to view the answer.

When does the program start?

The program starts on Monday 27 November 2023.

How long is this program?

This is a 4 month program, which is the optimal timeframe to get you the most robust and lasting results.

How long will it take me to see results?

Most people start to see shifts within 2-3 weeks, then continually improve over the full 4 month program.

What support do I get from Fran during the program?

You'll have a 1:1 consultation with Fran, and then receive group support via our private Facebook community for 4 months. For administrative questions or anything you're not comfortable sharing in a group setting, you can email us on

I'm just getting started. Will this program be too advanced?

This program is suitable for beginners AND people who have been on a healing journey for some time. Everything is laid out in a simple, easy-to-understand way. And if you've been on this journey for a while, I can pretty much guarantee you'll learn something new. 😉

I'm vegan/vegetarian/pescatarian, can I still do the program?

Absolutely! The course content and resources will be valuable for you regardless of dietary preferences, and your personalised recommendations will be based on your dietary preferences.

Do you have a payment plan?

Yes! I have a payment plan to make this program accessible to you. You will pay the initial deposit, followed by 3 monthly payments.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the amount of time and support provided, refunds cannot be provided.

Will I be able to find the right supplements or do functional lab testing in my country?

Lab testing and supplements are currently available within Australia, Europe, the US (except NY, RI, or KS) and the UK. If you're located elsewhere, send me an email on

Absolutely. Many people with chronic digestive conditions have very little understanding of how to support the gut holistically. The nutrition and lifestyle tools you'll learn in this course will help you learn to manage and reduce digestive symptoms, while understanding the root cause factors behind poor gut health. Before introducing any new supplementation, be sure to speak to your doctor.

I have endo. Can I still do the program?

Yes, absolutely. Endo is an inflammatory condition, and supporting your gut through nutrition, lifestyle and supplementation can help relieve inflammation. Before introducing any new supplementation, be sure to speak to your doctor.

I'm pregnant or breastfeeding. Can I still do the program?

Most of the program content will be suitable and your protocol will be personalised to your needs, however it's probably not worth investing in GI-MAP testing during this time as you will not be able to eradicate pathogens with supplements. If supporting a healthy gut is a priority for you, you're welcome to join us!

Will I be able to find the right supplements in my country?

I include recommendations for where to purchase practitioner grade supplements for your protocol. I have options for Australia, Europe, the US and UK. If you're located elsewhere, send us an email on and we will do our best to provide recommendations.

I have an event or holiday coming up, will that be ok?

This course is designed to give you lifelong tools and knowledge. Things will always pop up and we don't always stay 100% on track and that's absolutely ok. I encourage an 80/20 approach to nutrition and really believe that it's important for you to have fun and enjoy your life too. And you can still approach your health this way and get results!

Optional Add-On: Functional Lab Testing

Have you had tests run by your doctor, only to be told everything is “normal?” But you just KNOW something isn’t right.

Standard testing used by GPs typically look for disease and more serious conditions. Functional lab testing is different. These tests are used to identify the root cause of your symptoms, restore your body’s function and help you achieve optimal health.

I highly recommend the GI-MAP Gut Microbiome Test, which helps identify what’s going on in your gut, the balance of bacteria, the presence of pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites, and how well your digestion is functioning.

This is recommended, but not required. This is at an additional cost ($440 AUD for those within Australia), paid directly to the lab. You will have the option to add this on at checkout.

There are other testing options available, including the SIBO Test. Email us on for pricing and to discuss the best options for you.

Click the button below to learn more about the different functional lab testing options.

Ready to feel fully nourished?


Pay in full


or 4 x monthly instalments of



Want to chat first?

If you have questions about the program and whether you’re a good fit, click the button below to book a free call. You can also DM me on Instagram. You can find me on Insta here - @frandargaville.