The truth about stomach acid

Myth-busting time!

When I’m talking with clients and friends, so many people tell me they’re on antacids for reflux or other digestive dysfunction because of “excess stomach acid”.

When I ask if their stomach acidity was tested before they started taking antacids, the answer is pretty much always no.

Dr. Jonathan Wright wrote a nifty book “Why Stomach Acid is Good for You”, and it’s definitely worth checking out if you suffer from digestive issues. According to Dr Wright, up to 90% of us are actually deficient in stomach acid. It makes sense. We’re stressed out, and our digestion is slacking off.

Seen these ads? The ones about antacids saving the day? Turns out antacids are great for addressing the symptoms of reflux but not the root cause!

Antacids can relieve symptoms by neutralising the stomach and oesophagus, but they don't address the root cause of the problem.

In fact, by neutralising our stomach acid, they actually make it harder to digest food. So they don’t improve digestion at all, they just offer immediate symptom relief. (So does a spoonful of bicarb soda in water, by the way!)

Stomach acid is actually incredibly important for breaking down food for proper digestion, along with pathogens in food which might otherwise make us sick.

So, now what? If this sounds like you, you can take the HCl Challenge to see whether you’re deficient in hydrochloric acid. It’s best to do this under the guidance of a qualified practitioner.

If you find you’re low on stomach acid, you can supplement with Betaine HCl when you eat protein meals. Taking some apple cider vinegar with meals is also helpful.

If you’re looking for a hand to get your digestion back on track, head on over here to book your free Discovery Session!


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