#86: Getting to the Root Cause of Hormone Imbalances
In this episode, I’m walking you through my process for getting to the root of hormonal imbalances.
So, whether your cycles are irregular or missing, or you’re experiencing hormonal symptoms like PMS, period pain, mood swings, breast tenderness, acne -- this is for you.
#85: The Pill
Do you find yourself dreading that time of the month, every month? Period pain, PMS, mood swings, energy crashes, weird bowel movements, missing periods or fertility issues… these are all hormone-related symptoms that can make your monthly cycle feel like more of a burden than a blessing. Or maybe you’re on hormonal birth control and have no idea what’s going on with your cycle. Either way, this episode is for you.
#84: How the Menstrual Cycle Works
Do you find yourself dreading that time of the month, every month? Period pain, PMS, mood swings, energy crashes, weird bowel movements, missing periods or fertility issues… these are all hormone-related symptoms that can make your monthly cycle feel like more of a burden than a blessing. Or maybe you’re on hormonal birth control and have no idea what’s going on with your cycle. Either way, this episode is for you.
#36: Adore Your Cycle with Claire Baker
Living in sync with your menstrual cycle is a powerful way to optimise your energy and make the most of your creativity and productivity.
In this episode, I interviewed Claire Baker, the OG period coach and sought-after speaker and author. Claire believes menstrual cycle awareness is the missing key in women’s wellbeing, empowerment and creativity, and her work inspires women to know their flow and become the authority in their own lives.