#40: Why You Need a Morning Routine

Want to know my number one secret to being consistent with your health habits, and feeling healthy and energised every day?

It’s having a consistent morning routine.

Small habits snowball, so if you wake up and do something positive for yourself every morning, that leads to a cascade of positive choices throughout the day.

Here’s what I cover in the episode:

  • How long your morning routine needs to be to get the benefits

  • What to include in your morning routine

  • Why strict routines like “waking up at 6am daily to go to the gym” DON’T work and what to do instead!

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Links from today’s episode

Book your Gut Love Protocol: www.frandargaville.com/gutlove

Got a question you’d like answered? Contact Fran via Instagram @frandargaville or email hello@frandargaville.com.


#41: Himalayan Breathwork with Chelsea Mazzini


#39: Get Rid of Skin Issues for Good (Acne, Eczema and More)